Our Christmas wine tasting was well attended with plenty of Christmas spirit on hand !
Our wine expert Shaun Parry Jones has a unique presentation style which is not pretentious but enlightening, honest and humorous.
Two sparkling wines started us off to loosen the taste buds, followed by a red and a white wine to accompany your Christmas meal and to finish mince pies were served with a Madeira which left us very mellow at the end of the evening.
A big thank you to the FOSTJ team for setting the hall, Shaun and Peter Tappin for organising the evening and of course all those in the kitchen dispensing Christmas cheer and washing all the glasses,
A great evening was had by all and over £500 was raised in the process for the repair to the Porch Roof and the Calvary.
The FOSTJ team wish you all a very Happy & Healthy Christmas & New Year.