Christmas Wine Tasting 6th December 2024

Our Christmas wine tasting was well attended with plenty of Christmas spirit on hand !

Our wine expert Shaun Parry Jones has a unique presentation style which is not pretentious but enlightening, honest and humorous.

Two sparkling wines started us off to loosen the taste buds, followed by a red and a white wine to accompany your Christmas meal and to finish mince pies were served with a Madeira which left us very mellow at the end of the evening.

A big thank you to the FOSTJ team for setting the hall, Shaun and Peter Tappin for organising the evening and of course all those in the kitchen dispensing Christmas cheer and washing all the glasses,

A great evening was had by all and over £500 was raised in the process for the repair to the Porch Roof and the Calvary.

The FOSTJ team wish you all a very Happy & Healthy Christmas & New Year.

Quiz Night 15th November

Another popular and successful quiz night was held at the St John’s Centre on Friday last and apologies to those who tried to book tickets and were confronted with the ‘sold out’ message when we had reached our safety limit of 80 tickets.

A huge thank you to our quizmaster Philip Corning for once again producing a quiz that taxed the grey cells at times but allowed all to have reasonable scores.

Thanks to everyone’s generosity FOSTJ was able to put over £1,300 pounds towards our current projects, being the repair of the timber Calvary adjacent to Epsom Road and the roof to the front porch of the church.

Lets fill the hall again with our Christmas wine tasting event on the 6th December.

Click image for tickets

‘Mozart’ of Merrow in Concert

Those of you lucky enough to get tickets for the ‘sell out’ concert on Saturday 20th July at the St Johns Centre, you were treated to an amazing evening of music from Damian Kok accompanied by Alan Brown.

At the age of six, Damian Kok started composing his own music, and by the age of 11 he had composed his first symphony. His incredible musical talent was first recognised by his parents when he was only 7 months old. They said: “we noticed he was singing and precisely mimicking different soundtracks from a very early age. He started learning percussion, when he was two, followed by the violin at 5, the piano at 9; and the organ and viola aged 10. He loves to play violin duets with his younger sister Dorcas.”

17th March Quiz Night

Our Quiz night held on Friday the 17th March was to raise funds for our “Let there be Light” project. The 11 fittings presently lighting ( or not) our Church require urgently replacing as replacements tubular bulbs are unobtainable and we need as part of our “ECO-CHURCH” initiative energy efficient LED lights.

The present cost estimates for keeping the light fittings but adapting to LED lights is some £2,500 for materials, labour, and access equipment.

We are delighted to report that the Quiz was a ‘sell out’ with some 80 attendees. The event raised some £1,400 towards the lighting project . An amazing result.

So thank you to everyone that attended and helped make this a Fun and rewarding evening.

Look out for our next event !

If you feel able to make a Donation towards the new lighting please

Chairman Chris Shorter

7th June 2023 Presentation

FoStJ treasurer Mark Butcher, was able to pass a cheque for £2,500 to St John’s PCC Church Warden Carole Burtonwood, as a result of the various fund raising events, held by FoStJ for Church repairs, in the past few months.

Successful Quiz Night 17th March 2023

Our quiz night held at the St John’s Centre on the 17th March proved a great sussess with over 60 in attendance and 9 competing teams..

Over £900 was raised for the Charity. We look forward to next year’s event.

A big vote of thanks to our Pub Quizmaster Pete O’Donoghue

Re-dedication of the Merrow War Memorial 13 Nov 2022

Today, Memorial Sunday, we were able to witness the re-dedication of Merrow’s War Memorial after its reconstruction. The event was well attended on an appropriate Sunny day. It also was an opportunity to thank all those in the community that helped ‘The Friends of StJohns’ raise sufficient funds during the year for its repair.

Memorial Update

Re-erection of the War Memorial has taken place over the last few days this week.

Now cleaned and dry it looks magnificent once again in time for its re-dedication on Remembrance Day this year.

We would extend our grateful thanks to the stonemasons, Anstey & Stone of Farnham, for their co-operation and skill in achieving the Memorial’s restoration.