Our Quiz night held on Friday the 17th March was to raise funds for our “Let there be Light” project. The 11 fittings presently lighting ( or not) our Church require urgently replacing as replacements tubular bulbs are unobtainable and we need as part of our “ECO-CHURCH” initiative energy efficient LED lights.
The present cost estimates for keeping the light fittings but adapting to LED lights is some £2,500 for materials, labour, and access equipment.
We are delighted to report that the Quiz was a ‘sell out’ with some 80 attendees. The event raised some £1,400 towards the lighting project . An amazing result.
So thank you to everyone that attended and helped make this a Fun and rewarding evening.
Look out for our next event !
If you feel able to make a Donation towards the new lighting please
Chairman Chris Shorter